Die Geschichte hinter dem Logo

14th September 2021

In Spring 2021 we made a rebranding with the help of designer Markus Nowak/ supermarkt.me. We had long talks about the story behind the brand, that has a lot to do with my family roots. Actually NORDENHOLZ being the maiden name of my grandmother, my approach to design is very much influenced by grandmother’s ability and love for old crafts like knitting, sewing and crafting bobbin lace. She always worked on something and I still have the beautiful handkerchiefs with her handmade bobbin lace border, that she gifted us every now and then on Christmas.
On the other side I owe almost everything to the playful creativity and sophisticated style of my mother, her love for
art and literature and her endless support and believe in me.

In Bavaria there is a very old  tradition of taxidermists creating a “Wolpertinger”, a fantasy animal, mixing body parts of several different animals. My father was a Bavarian and build up a river crayfish breeding in his retirement. When I was a child, we spent a lot of time in Bavaria. My father teached us fishing and how to catch crayfish. We spent the days in nature and I’m very thankful for this experience.
Sometimes we visited taxidermists, which is common on the countryside, as they prepare the dead animals of hunters and
fishermen/women and I was fascinated by these rather peculiar figures.

Combining the roots of my mother, her grandparents working with wool and leather, and my father, being fascinated by crayfish and starting a farm of river crayfish in Bavaria, the logo shows a combination of a sheep and a river crayfish.